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Windows help - It’s really not a problem
Ever been in a situation where you reached your final battle in the game you’ve been playing for two hours straight and just when you’re about to finish him off, you get a windows runtime error! No matter how many deep breaths you take, you’re going to slam that pc of yours. Windows help always manifests itself at the worst time possible. And day by day, it just keeps on getting worse. The runtime errors are now more frequent and it will finally reach the stage where reinstalling Windows is the only option to get rid of these Windows help.
But is reinstalling really the solution? Technical Support may be!

When looking for windows tech support chat, our customers have a few questions: Are we affiliated with Microsoft Corporation? Omnitechsupport is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation, however all of our windows tech support agents are Microsoft Certitifed technical support representatives. We therefore offer the highest quality Microsoft tech support chat you can find anywhere.

The most annoying of all Windows help: Microsoft Runtime Error
A Microsoft support runtime error is a common message when Windows help occur and it generally means that Windows cannot find a specific file to properly run that software. But it manifests itself in many other ways but one thing is common, they get on our nerves.

Antivirus: The best bet against Windows support
As annoying and persistent as these Windows support are, they can be easily dealt with. The first step is to scan your PC with an up to date Anti Virus software when you first encounter this problem. Most Windows support are result of a Trojan or virus infection.

Reinstalling the software, not Windows
After scanning the PC and if the problem still persists, try reinstalling the malfunctioning software and resetting its settings to default. That should set it right.
If Windows 7 help are caused due to a widows file itself, then don’t panic. There’s no need to reinstall windows. Instead scan your registry with registry scanning software and clean all problematic registry keys and entries. This is done because registry errors can cause Windows 7 help and cleaning them properly can solve runtime errors and other Windows 7 help too.

Windows 7 help in Internet Explorer
The runtime error is very frequent among all Windows 7 help. And it can be seen while using Internet Explorer. When such an error occurs, then resetting Internet Explorer to its default setting is required. This means all your saved settings will be lost but that the error will be resolved by omni tech

Prevention is better than cure.
Windows 7 help are unpredictable and time consuming to resolve. Hence, proper maintenance is essential and this involves periodical virus and registry scanning. After all, prevention is better than cure. Works with diseases and it definitely works with Microsoft errors too.